Giants and Toys

Giants and Toys , Kyojin to gangu? is a 1958 Japanese comedy film directed by Yasuzo Masumura and starring Hiroshi Kawaguchi. It portrays the increasingly frenzied efforts of the World candy company to compete with the rival Giant and Apollo companies over caramel sales. World under the leadership of the Machiavellian Mr Goda discovers a tomboy girl with bad teeth to be the center of their promotional campaign, involving colorful space suits and ray guns. It turns out that as she becomes famous that shes less and less inclined to go along with Worlds plans for her.

Giants and Toys was a story written by Takeshi Kaik. After Kaik won the Akutagawa Prize in 1957 for his novel The Naked King, Daiei Film bought the rights to Giants and Toys. The book was an entry in the business novel , keizai shsetsu genre, which satirizes Japanese workers devotion to their corporations.

Source: Wikipedia